After its successful return in 2023, we're going again in 2024 with Clue-Doh! Our clue solving, map reading, running & cycling adventure race over the Surrey Hills.
All profits raised will be donated to our charity of Liver Cancer Research at Kings college Hospital:
Teams will register between 6pm to 7.15pm Race Briefing at 7.20pm with the hand out of the letters. Race starts at 7.30pm when you can open your letters & read your first set of clues. All electronic devices are allowed! You can google as much as you want on this race.
Teams of four required. We will allow up to 25 teams of four people to take on the event. Each team may have one person on a bicycle if they want. There is no added advantage in this, but if a cyclist wants to join your team then they may.
You will be given 10 Landmarks in Surrey, each with its six figure grid reference.
You will be given a letter with four clues in it. Each clue will pertain to one of the landmarks. It is up to you & your team to work out the clues & establish which landmark it relates to.
You then use your OS explorer map 146 to plot the quickest route to the landmarks & return back to base. The first team to get back after successfully running to each landmark will win the coveted Clue-Doh! Award.
The twist in the tail.... Each team will have to use whatsapp to communicate with HQ. You will take a photo of your team in front of the Landmark & send it to HQ informing us if its landmark A,B or C etc. You will then be told a simple Correct or incorrect. If it’s correct, you can move on to your next landmark, incorrect & you’ve got some more working out to do.
Additional clues can be bought for each landmark at a cost of £6 each. The clues will get easier with each one you buy.
Alternatively, you may “buy” the Landmark itself for £20.
The route will still need to be worked out by yourselves though. We can offer no assistance in that, unless you get lost then we will help where we can.
As before, we will operate on an Honour system, with no money on the night changing hands, you will be notified within a couple of days after the event of what your team owes. It’s then up to you to put the money into the Just Giving account
Average distance ran this year was 18.3 miles.
This is a non supported event out on the course, so make sure you carry everything you think you’ll need on the run.
The Format
Aid Stations
There will be a BBQ and drinks at the end of the race, we would love you to stay and join us afterwards.
None on Route
Mandatory Kit
Primary and secondary head torches or other light sources with sufficient spare battery packs/batteries.
Mobile/smart phone with with OS Locate installed. A free download from your app store here.
Silver foil/survival blanket or survival bag
Waterproof jacket (Taped seams preferable)
Hydration bladder or bottles capable of carrying at least 1lt of fluids
OS Explorer Map 146
Compass - This should be a separate physical compass and not electronic/ on your phone.
Most importantly of all, a Canary. No Canary, no run. (A fine is payable towards our charity if you wish to race without one)

It was the idea of our Co_Founder, Mark Thornberry. It’s a bit of fun that makes our races a little different. Your canary can be as simple as a printed picture of Tweety-Pie pinned to your race pack, or a giant inflatable. They all count. If you choose not to and incur a fine - it all goes to the Kings College Hospital Liver Cancer Charity in Mark’s memory.
Why Carry a Canary?

Registration & Kit Check
Please note, ALL MANDATORY KIT is to carried at all times through the race. Teams will register between 6pm to 7.15pm Race Briefing at 7.20pm with the hand out of the letters. Race starts at 7.30pm when you can open your letters & read your first set of clues. All electronic devices are allowed! You can google as much as you want on this race.
There aren't any, we're at the hall all night if needs be.
Race Rules
Any protests to a ruling or of a runner to runner violation must be submitted by a registered entrant and must be lodged using the following procedure:
1. Report the alleged violation to the runner, his/her crew or pacer as the incident occurs. Enlist a fellow witness to the alleged violation if possible.
2. Report the alleged violation with the runner’s name and number to the next available aid station staff.
3. Report the alleged violation in writing at the finish line to the race director. All protests must be submitted within seven days following the race. Written protests must include the name of the person who lodged the complaint.
4. Decision on all violations and rules is at the final discretion of the Race Management ONLY. There will be no challenges after that decision.
Our race routes are used by, but not limited to, horse riders, walkers and mountain bikers. Please be aware of other people whilst you are running and be as polite and courteous as possible to them, making way when necessary, particularly to horses. We do not have priority over any other users out on the course, most will be unaware of the event taking place. All gates must be properly closed after you have gone through.
DQ and ban at race directors discretion
Not informing organisers of withdrawal from event
Any runner who is unable to finish the race must personally inform the aid station captain of the nearest checkpoint of their decision to withdraw. They must hand in their race number at that time to the CP Captain. This serves as official notice of a runner’s withdrawal from the race. Runners who leave the course without turning in their number or informing a Checkpoint or HQ will be classified as “lost,” which may initiate Search and Rescue, for which the runner will be charged.
Minimum of 1 hour penalty per missing item
Missing Item of Mandatory Kit
Mandatory kit must be carried by the runner at all times.
Refusal to have mandatory equipment checked
There will be mandatory kit checks at the start, random checks during the race and at the finish. Failure to comply with the kit checks will result in disqualification.
Accompanied by dog/dogs
Runners are not to be accompanied by dogs at any time whilst on course.
Being crewed on a no-crew race.
Runners must not be crewed in any way at races listed as no crew permitted. Crewing is deemed as any physical assistance of any kind.
Refusal to comply with an order from the race directors, race staff, doctors or rescue personnel.
Runners must at all times comply with any instruction given by race management, staff and volunteers.
Lifetime Ban at RD discretion.
Unofficial Runners/ Running without a registration or Running under another name.
No unofficial runners.
One Hour Penalty.
Bib number not visible on front.
Bib numbers must be worn on the front of the body and be easily visible at all times.
DQ and Lifetime Ban.
Receiving powered assistance from a vehicle, bike, horse, or short rope from pacer.
Runners must complete the entire course under their own power.
DQ and Lifetime Ban.
Injection of PEDs or Fluids/ IVs by non-official race medical personnel.
Injection of PEDs or Fluids/ IVs by non-official race medical personnel.
DQ and Lifetime Ban.
Littering by competitor or crew
Littering of any kind will result in immediate disqualification. Runners caught littering will be banned from all future events. Please respect the beauty of our trails and leave nothing behind but footprints.
All rules are at the final discretion of the race director and race management team.
No challenges will be permitted.
Mandatory kit: Runners must carry the following mandatory equipment at all times. A time penalty of one hour will be imposed for any item found to be missing at any point on course.
Fully Charged Mobile Phone including the numbers for the Race Medic and Race Director (on the number you have given at registration)
OS locate installed on your phone.
Water Bottles/Bladder capable of carrying a minimum of 1 litre.
Survival Blanket: 1.4m x 2m minimum.
Waterproof Jacket: Gore-tex or similar & must have taped seams.
Headtorch or Primary Light Source Minimum 75 lumens
Back Up Light source - Minimum 25 Lumens
OS Explorer 146 Active Map - Should be a hard copy that you are able to navigate from and not a map on your phone.
Compass - This should be a separate physical compass and not electronic/ on your phone.