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Championing Women's Running

Canary Trail Events policies for female athletes

Here at Canary Trail Events we aim to make our races as inclusive as possible by Championing Women’s Running. Following the race guidelines outlined on SheRACES, we’ve made some adjustments to ensure our events are as female friendly as possible. Canary Trail Events have four lady ambassadors, Rachel Brookes, Sophie Dodgeon, Emma Page-Moore and Leila Rose who are championing the changes. They have teamed up to make this happen, so if you have any Pre-Race problems or issues you need to discuss, you can email them at the addresses at the bottom of the page.

Whilst we will endeavour to meet your needs, we are only a small company with limited funds so we may not get there as quickly as we would like, but we will get there.

  • We will ensure that races are described accurately so that everyone knows what to expect. Every ultramarathon is tough; we do not need to spell that out. Inclusive Images. We use a range of images on the home page to ensure everyone feels welcome.

  • We have a friendly social media page on Facebook where you can ask questions and hopefully receive the answers you need. Any racers that have special requirements such as breastfeeding mums, please get in touch with us in advance and we will make provision for you as best we can. Should you have any other concerns about race day that you’d like to discuss, don’t hesitate to contact Rachel, Sophie, Emma, or Leila.

  • Here at CTE, all of our cut-offs are linear, so you do not need to push harder in the first instance. Keep to a steady pace, and you will finish.

  • Whilst we don’t generally allow deferrals, we have updated our policy to allow pregnant and post partum mums to defer their event for up to three years. Unfortunately, we cannot defer continuously so if the athlete is pregnant again or life has got in the way so they have put their running on hold for a while after the initial three years, we can offer a 50% refund (this also applies to adopting parents).

  • We have separate female and male toilets in Mickleham Village Hall that are big enough if you feel the need to have to use them to change your clothes/running kit. On the Copthorne races loop with the new addition on Box Hill Village Hall, there are seperate toilets also available there for female athletes.

  • The races do go through some remote areas which you will run in the dark. Unfortunately, although no personal/outside pacers are allowed, we are more than happy for runners to “Buddy up” with their fellow runners at aid stations.

  • At our events, we always have female and male medics available if you need one.

  • We have the same trophies for the first and second female and male finishers. All finishers receive a bespoke medal for the event.


We look forward to welcoming female athletes at all of our future CTE races. We are happy to answer any questions or queries you may have, either to myself or to one of the ladies champions on the following email addresses.

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