26mile Guided Trail Marathon
Sunday 28th December 2025 @ 20:00
The 9th 1st Annual Headtorchruns Marathon

Race entries are now available via Klarna, allowing you to pay in three equal installments, or to defer the payment date. The Klarna option will appear during the check out process.

Now in its ninth year, the 1st Annual Headtorch Marathon takes place on the 28th December from Mickleham Village Hall. A social Marathon with a difference. This guided event is the ideal way to work off some of those Christmas calories we all tend to pile on over the festive period. This year, we've done away with a fixed entry price we're allowing you guys to set your own entry fee. It might be as low as £1 or as high as you'd like, but please remember that every penny profit raised goes towards our charity of Liver Cancer Research.
Every year the Headtorchruns Marathon is a unique course and a closely guarded secret between the guides. The course shown above was the route for the 7th 1st Marathon run in 2023. The event is a guided run rather than a race and the group will be lead by CTE guide runners with more CTE runners throughout the group to make sure everyone is OK. Although the run takes around seven and a half hours, runners should ensure they are able to complete a marathon in five hours or less. The routes are designed to be challenging, but fun. And of course there are hot drinks and mince pies at the end – well it is still Christmas after all.
The Course
Aid Stations
Usually located around the halfway point, the aid station gives you a chance to replenish your water, eat a mince pie and have a glass or two of Mulled WIne.
Mulled Wine and Mince Pie station
Mandatory Kit
• Primary and secondary head torches or other light sources with sufficient spare battery packs/batteries.
• Silver foil/survival blanket or survival bag
• Waterproof jacket (Taped seams preferable)
• Hydration bladder or bottles capable of carrying at least 1lt of fluids
• Most importantly of all, a Canary. No Canary, no run. (A fine is payable towards our charity if you wish to run without one)

It was the idea of our Co_Founder, Mark Thornberry. It’s a bit of fun that makes our races a little different. Your canary can be as simple as a printed picture of Tweety-Pie pinned to your race pack, or a giant inflatable. They all count. If you choose not to and incur a fine - it all goes to the Kings College Hospital Liver Cancer Charity in Mark’s memory.
Why Carry a Canary?

Registration & Kit Check
Deferrals & Refunds
Registration for the runners will be available at the village hall from 6pm to 7.15pm on the 28th December. Please bring all mandatory kit when registering.
Please note, ALL MANDATORY KIT is to carried at all times through the event. It is in December and while we've been lucky so far, the weather can turn quite tasty.
We offer no refunds or deferrals from this event. It's a charity Marathon & all profits from it go towards Liver Cancer Research at Kings College Hospital.
To register for this you must confirm that you agree to the Race Waiver.