To celebrate our fifth year of races & to make up for the party we couldn't have at the 5th 1st Annual Headtorchruns Marathon, we're having this party on the 29th June 2024, just after the Beer 21 race in the day.

Everybody who's been associated with Canary Trails over the past few years from running one of our events or volunteering is invited. We're limited in numbers so we can only have 150 people attending. This is a family friendly evening & children are more than welcome to attend. Please only sign up if you are attending the event & we shall send you an electronic ticket for each person attending. No ticket, no entry I'm afraid.
There will be a bar serving beer & soft drinks at a very reasonable rate in the hall while you listen to LIVE music with food available from our outside caterers. The bar & the caterers will take cash & card payments.
Local band "American Mary" lead by Canary Trails supporter & Ultra Magazine founder Andy Nuttall will be supplying the music with an eclectic mix of rock songs with covers of The Foo Fighters, REM & James through to some of their own original work. Concert starts at 8pm.
The Format
Aid Stations
Beer & soft drinks plus food from our catering team. Cash and card only
Licensed bar
Mandatory Kit
• Cash or card for donations

It was the idea of our Co_Founder, Mark Thornberry. It’s a bit of fun that makes our races a little different. Your canary can be as simple as a printed picture of Tweety-Pie pinned to your race pack, or a giant inflatable. They all count. If you choose not to and incur a fine - it all goes to the Kings College Hospital Liver Cancer Charity in Mark’s memory.
Why Carry a Canary?